02 January 2002

My little monsters are beside themselves with excitement. We usually get one significant snowfall every winter, and this winter we are getting in early. All four of the kids are staring out the window, marveling at the flurry of white flakes that are producing a child-enticing accumulation on the lawn. The forecast called for three to six inches of snow overnight, so I am sure that they will be waking me up at the crack of dawn to go out and play in it.

The snow is making my employers go nuts, as well. Since we work at a utility company, the calls increase when it is cold outside and the company wants to make sure we have no excuse for not coming to work tomorrow. When I left today, they were getting driving directions from the employees who live the furthest away from the call center so they could send servicemen in trucks to pick them up. Luckily, tomorrow is my day off. One person who will not be dragging herself in to get a few hours overtime is me!

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