01 June 2009

Thinking About "Boy" Music

Prior to becoming the parent of a teen and three tweens, I would have said that there is no such thing as "boy" music and "girl" music. Everyone is free to listen to whatever music makes them happy. However, when faced with the task of selecting music for my 10-year-old son DJ, I find myself thinking along gender lines. The pop music that C1 and C2 favor (Taylor Swift and Jonas Brothers, for example) seems to be aimed at teenage girls. It's all seems too bouncy for boys. The female artists are there for the girls to emulate, and the male artists portray a sensitive image to appeal to the girls. I can't see myself handing DJ a Hannah Montana CD. I don't want to do anything that might get him teased by his friends. So what is the kid supposed to listen to?

Radio was a safe place to discover new music when I was a kid, but our local stations now seem to be a sexual landmine. I know that there have always been suggestive lyrics on the radio ("Afternoon Delight", anyone?). Today's songs seem to be much more explicit, however. Every song by a male rapper these days seems to have something about being in love with a stripper! So my kids don't listen to the radio, except in the care when ABM plays the gospel station. The rest of their music comes from me or, more recently, their friends.

Being the main provider of the kids' music can be a burden. It has been easier for me to find new artists for the girls, but I am stumped when it comes to DJ. So far, he's been listening to the Beatles and a couple kid-centric episodes of Coverville that I burned for him. I want to introduce him to artists who produce fun music that isn't babyish but isn't too grown up for him, either. The only song that sprang to mind today was "Cheeseburger in Paradise" :-). Anyone out there have any suggestions?


Hailey @ Me and My Boys said...

Brad and I were just talking about this last night. All the songs (and not even rappers now) seem to glorify strippers! I can't figure it out! When did it become a good thing to be one?

So far, the only decent stuff I can find on the radio seems to be country. This works fine for me, but I don't know how much your kids like country music. You could listen to the radio, then selectively choose who might be a good choice and who wouldn't. Then just buy/download the CD or something.

I'm with ya. I don't even want to think where we'll be in 13 years with Noah! Maybe by then, society will have come full circle and it'll be degrading to be a stripper again. :)

Dani In NC said...

I am surprised at all the stripper songs, too. To paraphrase Chris Rock, I thought the idea was to keep your daughters OFF the pole. These songs make that a bit harder because they make it look like a way to get guys.

M is into pop-punk (think The Ramones) and j-pop right now, but country was her first love. C2 likes Taylor Swift and Carrie Underwood, but they aren't exactly full on country. I may try a little country on DJ and see what he thinks.

About 5 years ago, I would listen to the top 40 and pick out the tracks that were suitable for my kids. I tried that a couple weeks' ago and I wasn't even able to fill a whole CD :-(. So I find myself reaching backward for music instead of picking from the current stuff. Next up for the girls: the Go-Gos!

Reminisce said...

So I don't know much at all about current music (you know that!) but I will say when I used to bust out the oldies while teaching high school, some kids would say something like "Oooh, Mandy Moore sings that song".

Remakes might be the way to go! Old lyrics, new singers. Just a thought.

Dani In NC said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog, Supermom! Yes, I am a big end of the fan of covers (or remakes, as you called them). That's why we listen to Coverville. I know you don't do podcasts much, but you should check it out. The kids and I all enjoy it, especially the countdown they do at the year. That's how DJ really got into the Beatles.

Speaking of Mandy Moore, she's got yet another cover album out this year. I never got a chance to check out the first one, so I guess I need to add them both to my list.

Man said...

Catering to teen & tween girls has always been easier remember New Kids on The Block or Menudo, scary.

How about Nickelback or other rock? I would recommend AC/DC or Black Sabbath but some see them as bit much.
The Brian Setzer Orchestra, Stray Cats I do like retro music.

The Fugees, No Doubt, Smash Mouth. All groups I enjoyed 10 years ago.

Your right current music is awful except for Kelly Clarkson, of course.

Dani In NC said...

Those are some great suggestions, Man! I was crazy about No Doubt -- I've even seen them in concert, which is rare for me. Smash Mouth should be a home run, since some of their music is in one of the Shrek movies.

You and your Kelly Clarkson obsession! I have to say I'm not crazy about her singles from her current CD. I'll have to give the rest of the CD a listen.