21 January 2006

Totally Wasted Day

The plan for today was to catch up on my blogs while I drink my morning coffee and then attack the pile of books in the garage, weeding out the ones I don't want and putting the good ones on my new-to-me bookshelves. It is now 9:20p EST, and I am still reading blog entries. Don't worry--I did take a couple breaks to brush my teeth and feed the kids.

Somewhere around 3p, I realized that I had crossed the line and there was no way that I could redeem this day. Why do I do this? I am not tired enough to feel good about sitting in bed all day, but I can't find the energy or inspiration to get up. The biggest problem is my attitude. I have this sense of entitlement about my weekends. I don't want to waste them doing housework, yet I want the housework to be done. When I throw myself into a project like cleaning out the refrigerator, I get mad at how long it took instead of being happy that the job is completed. I've got to find a way to get over this because I want to set a better example for my kids. I don't want to unleash sloppy people on their future roommates and spouses!


Cathi said...

Dani, I don't know if you know how much you've touched a nerve with me here in this post....I think about this sort of thing all the time. In a lot of ways, I feel like knitting and connecting to bloggers has really saved me from going completely insane, but in other ways it has exacerbated some of the frustration that I have.

I feel like housekeeping is so hard with kiddos (at least for me, being a results oriented person), because it's never really done, and 9 times out of 10 what you just did will be undone in front of your eyes while you're just trying to relax with a glass of iced tea after accomplishing it.

Not to pour all of my stuff onto you, or project, but it's hard to draw that balance between having things be nice and staying sane and having time for yourself.

PS- My mom was totally neat, and my housekeeping as of late- not at all. So it's not a direct correlation. :)

Dani In NC said...

I guess I feel bad because I CAN see a direct correlation in my own family. My mom never taught us the proper way to do anything, and my siblings and I all have messy houses. I am slightly embarrassed for someone to watch me clean my house because I am still not sure that I do it properly. I don't want my kids to feel insecure about taking care of their own homes.