20 March 2006

Today's exercise: Biggest Loser Workout (routine #1)

I made it through the warmup and the body of the workout but I started feeling queasy during the cool-down. Perhaps I drank too much water. I tried to sip, but I was so thirsty (a rare occurrence for me). If I had made it all the way to the end, I could have counted 40 minutes for today. Oh, well--there's always tomorrow.

On the upside, I think I finally understand how to "engage my core" so that my abs get a workout without traditional situps. As much as Billy Blanks annoys me, I have to admit that his advice to concentrate while exercising is working. Exercise doesn't come as naturally as breathing to me so I often have to be told, "You should be feeling this in your abs." Then I actually have to think, "OK, legs, stop doing all the work. Abs, pull!" Workouts that I thought were light make me break a sweat once I start concentrating.

I met my daily goal of no fries and no sweet iced tea. Since I was out of drink mix, I tried Splenda in unsweetened tea. It wasn't bad. I think I found the balance that eliminated the bitterness of the tea without leaving too much of an artificial sweetener aftertaste. Best of all, tea is free at work.


Tonya said...

Congrats on your no fries and sweet iced tea goal :) I guess Im the 4th person that now reads your blog! I just stumbled across it tonight and found it interesting. I myself have alot of weight to lose. Keep up your workout routine.. you will get there!!

Cathi said...

Good for you!!!!! I bet tea is hard to resist at work, if it's free, so good for you for doing the Splenda! And fries...mmmm, fries.

I definitely feel queasy if the water I drink is too cold- I know it probably sounds unappetizing, but one thing that works for me is if I do room temp water.

Jscothammerquist said...

I haven't read this blog for a while,so hello there.
I think that the sweet tea and fries rountine is a good one. Also your thoughts on why you over eatare very interesting.
I am going to apply it to my own weight loss goals.