20 April 2005

Podcast Talk: Colmination, Podcast Alley

I finally took Colmination off of my podcast list. This was one of the first podcasts that I found, so I guess I was listening for nostalgic purposes :-). It really is not very good. It is one guy, Colm, who spends all of his time wondering why he isn't listed higher in the rankings at Podcast Alley and reading e-mails that say how wonderful his show is. Huh? Oh, I almost forgot -- he also gives lists of what alcoholic beverages he drank while he was out the night before and who he was with while he drank them. I thought that the show was beginning to improve when he started having his friend Quinn act as co-host. Quinn knew how to make a good story out of mundane tasks like getting his tag renewed at the DMV. Unfortunately, Quinn has moved away so the show is just Colm again. The only people this show could possibly appeal to is immature frat-boy types.

Speaking of Podcast Alley, I do not like their voting system. This site is the recognized source of podcast rankings and gauge of show popularity, yet they only let you vote for one show a month. I admit that I don't know how complicated it is to set up this sort of thing, but I do wish that they would let each person vote for her top five podcasts of the month. That would be a more realistic representation of people's listening habits. I haven't voted at all for April because I can't pick just one.
After visiting Timotab's blog and viewing the progress he has made on his afghan, I had to face my procrastinating ways once again. I think I have known for a while that if I am going to meet my goal, I need to start a new afghan rather than finishing the GRR or the Zinnia. They don't inspire me, and if I am going to make something big I need a lot of inspiration to push me through the boring patches. I don't want to buy more yarn right now, though, so I guess I will have to suck it up and frog the GRR. I like the construction of the GRR but it has gotten to an unmanageable size. Afghan squares worked separately are more practical for an on-the-go needleworker like myself.

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