22 April 2006

Health Update

weight loss weblog

As you can see, I'm not exactly losing weight. Read my ramblings about it at Fit by Forty.

One thing I wanted to mention here was the change in my tracker. My goal on my old tracker was 175 pounds but it is 200 pounds on this one. I raised it because I thought it was more reasonable for the time that I have allotted myself, which is to reach my goal by my 40th birthday next January.

1 comment:

Jeff "Chapper" Chapman said...


Some reciprocal reading. Enjoying your posts. A first time reader. What a terrific goal. Good for you.

WRT exercising hurting. Do things that don't. For instance, if your back hurts, don't do what it is that you were doing. I've had some experience in exercising and carrying a little more than what's ideal.

The tread mill we have is currently in its upright position, knees are a bit unstable these days. But there is lots to do that won't hurt.

Try this. Since it's all about anaerobic (aka sweating) exercise and building up muscle (muscle is a fat burner when it's being used) pick isolated areas of your body that don't hurt and start there.

For example, lift things (heavy, but not deathly heavy things, but things that will get you grunting) with your arms. They're called CURLS. Dumbells 4 dumbells.

And then do SHRUGS (simply raising your shoulders to your ears). Ten or twenty of each. Pick one. You should have a hard time actually getting to the 10th or 20th 'rep'.

And then hold your arms out (like an airplane) and do small CIRCLES forwards, and then backwards while gradually increasing the size of the circles that your hands make -- this is hard even without weights. Try 40 revolutions forward and then 40 backwards.

Go through the entire 'set' of all three exercises (all three events, once in completion) and then start over. Do three sets.

Anyway, you get the idea. There are lots of things you can do without making investments in 'gear' or hurting yourself. Muscle fatigue isn't hurting yourself. It's healthy. Once you're noticing some difference in health -- the weight will come, focus on energy levels for the first month or two -- you can start working that tread mill. Be easy on yourself. You don't want to sabotage a good idea by going too hard out the gate.

Enjoy life. Enjoy your physical being. Live deliberately.

Jeff "Chapper" Chapman
President | Chapman & Associates

High Performance Digital Sales & Marketing Strategies
For a Post-Television Age
Strategy | Design | Deployment

Learn more: text 'chapper' to Qtags [78247] on your cell phone
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Find me at Soflow.com and LinkedIn.com/in/chapper
or drop me a line c: 204.781.4863

PS tried to post at extrapounds.com but couldn't register. I'm a blogger. So, I'll post here.