25 February 2006

Health Update

Despite the fact that my ticker says .5 gained, I actually lost half a pound this week (the ticker is showing the change from my original starting weight). The only change I made this week was to cut out the sweet iced tea on Wednesday and Friday. Next week, I will try to stick with that and cut out the French fries. Tea and French fries were not daily menu items for me before so I'm sure they contributed to the last 10 pounds I gained. Giving up the fries will be a real challenge for me because there are many days that I don't like the soup or vegetable that is being served in the caf.

Exercise is going well. I'm still using videos but I've given myself permission to march in place if I can't do one of the moves and then jump back in when they get to something I can do. That may sound strange, but I am usually an all-or-nothing person; if I can't do every single move in the video or keep up with the presenter's speed, then I give up. This time, I am trying to remind myself that the amount of time I stay in motion is the focus.

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