21 December 2006

Poetry Thursday: PMS

I don't even want to type the words on the same line.
My sadness is genuine and my tears are true
But I stifle them for fear that you will throw
Those dreaded three letters in my face.
I am NOT every woman.
I refuse to be lumped in and dismissed
With every other woman who made a mad dash
Down the feminine-products aisle of the market this week.
There are many days when my sobs
Are not accompanied by a similar flow
In my nether regions.
Ask me why I'm crying; don't assume you know.

--Dani M. Sanders, 21 Dec 06


Clockworkchris said...

Awesome! I would never assume to know because I don't know you and I don't assume, but the poem was wonderful. I really felt how much harder I already know it is to be a woman. You can keep this up-screw the archives (not that they are bad-don't get my wrong)-keep it fresh, it's better that way.

Crafty Green Poet said...

Aha, I can relate to this very well! My partner is mostly very good about understanding my moods, thankfully.....

SquareTraveler said...

You make a rock-solid point. Men are such idiots. As a man myself, I am privy to their innermost thoughts and feelings; and believe me, with rare exception, there ain't none.

I hope this poem was also intended to be funny.

Kay Cooke said...

This is so true! Well put. Powerful. It's not a topic that just anyone can handle. But you have. Admirably.

mareymercy said...

I like the stark, direct tone. An interesting subject to write about!

Dani In NC said...

I love the way that the men assumed that I was yelling at them. I was actually thinking of women when I wrote it :-). It came from my annoyance at my female co-workers who want to immediately jump in and sympathize before they know what the full situation is. I actually DON'T experience the emotional symptoms of PMS so I become rather peeved when people write off my feelings that way.

Cassiopeia Rises said...

Ah, once I could well relate to this poem which is very good. No longer in that part of my life since age 41. Lucky me you might say but wait what follows when the river is dry is worse then anything I have ever know. I am told that it will go on for a long time.lol are we not lucky to be women?
Really your poem is great and I remember well PMS.
Thanks for reading my poem and I hope your holiday is a good one.
