Yes, it is going up instead of down. I think that talking and writing about my weight every day just made things worse. There is a rebellious 16-year-old inside of me who goes in the opposite direction of anything to which she is exposed too much. Talking about my health made me want to eat all the time. So I am going to give up on my weight loss blog and just try to get the job done. Perhaps if I treat exercise and healthy eating like a regular part of my daily life, then I will see a positive result.
In my humble opinion, you're being too hard on yourself. You're a mother working full time. In my book, you're a miracle worker keeping!
But I do think you're right about a few things. If talking about weight loss is counterproductive, then don't talk about it. (Keep blogging, of course, just pick other topics for a while.)
I do think that if you look at your lifestyle change as healthy living, you'll probably notice a difference in a few weeks. Change will happen only if you're serious about it.
You should know that I, too, have fallen off my modest weight goals. I'm going on vacation next week and--yikes--I need a post-pregnancy swimsuit.
But I've decided to lower my standards and do the eating and exercising basics: I'm trying to walk and eat right, and not eat after 8 p.m. In the meantime, I'm focusing on my writing and my family.
If this is important to you, then you'll make it happen--just like every other success you've had to work for.
(Again, this is all my opinion. Feel free to tell me to jump in a lake anytime!)
Take care.
Thank you for your kind comments, Jan. If you hang around here long enough, you will figure out that I am more of a whiner than a hard worker. It is a bad habit that I am trying to break. I tend to give up on things that I find difficult. There are many things that I do that look difficult to outsiders, but I would not be doing them if I had to struggle. I'm lazy that way :-). This tendency of mine does make teaching the kids to persevere troublesome; luckily, they are turning out well despite my poor parenting skills!
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