21 December 2010

Catch-up on Reverb 10: Days 15-18

This catch-up post is a bit of a cheat. I don't have much to say for prompts 15-17, so I have decided to skip them. I could have made an attempt to write something, but then that would have just made me put off posting because I really didn't have much to offer on those subjects. My whole goal is to write more often. So let's move on to prompt 18, shall we?

Day 18 prompt:

What do you want to try next year? Is there something you wanted to try in 2010? What happened when you did / didn’t go for it?
(Author: Kaileen Elise)

There are several things I would like to try in 2011. These are the two that are uppermost in my mind.

--I want to tackle more of the home improvement tasks here at la maison. Usually I depend on ABM to handle all the "manly" tasks like rehanging a door or mowing the lawn. Now I feel like I want to give these jobs a try.

--I want to make some wall hangings. Even though we've lived here for 10 years, much of the house still looks like we are living in temporary housing where the landlord says that you can't hammer a nail into the wall. I want to add more evidence that we live here while stretching my creative muscle at the same time.

The bottom line is that I want 2011 to be the year that my creativity bursts forth. I've said that in the past, but I've let worries about housework and other duties push that desire to the side. Hopefully I won't do that this time around.

1 comment:

Stereo said...

With you on the home improvement front. There's a ton of tasks I want to tackle and have the pride of saying "You see that? I did that."