19 July 2005

Time for another meme

I've already proven that I am lousy at answering meme questions, but my pal Gina tagged me so I will do my best to make this entertaining.

10 years ago: I was working at the local health department, and M was two years old. I realize now that I was probably happier there than on any other job, although I still was desperate to be a SAHM.

5 years ago: I was working in a call center. I was under a lot of stress but I made more money than I ever had before or will again, and I met people there that I still think about every day. ABM and I became homeowners. I was still homeschooling M while working.

1 year ago: I was unemployed, having been fired from the call center. It was the most peaceful period I have ever experienced. For the first time in my married life, I felt like I had the time to be a good wife and mother. It was so good to be caught up on everything for a change.

Yesterday: I started the South Beach diet.

Today: I am on day 2 of the South Beach diet and very cranky.

Tomorrow: I will probably be even more cranky and drown my sorrows in stupid TV shows or whatever is left of the Harry Potter book.

5 snacks I enjoy: cinnamon raisin bagels, pizza rolls, Twizzlers, cereal, Mike and Ikes

5 bands/singers that I know the lyrics of MOST of their songs: I don't stay loyal to one band or another; it is all about the songs.

Things I would do with $100,000,000: Pay off my bills and quit my job! I would probably go back to homeschooling my kids.

5 locations I'd like to run away to: I honestly only have two places in mind -- Australia and Jamaica.

5 bad habits I have: Procrastination, yelling at the kids from across the house, mindless snacking, not picking out my clothes the night before, and spending time on the computer to avoid other stuff.

5 things I like doing: Knitting, reading, playing board games, watching TV, and listening to podcasts.

5 things I would never wear: My wardrobe is so pitiful that I can't say that there is anything that I wouldn't wear!

5 TV shows I like: I have so many shows that I like because I am a TV junkie! These five are really random -- Dead Zone, The 4400, Medium, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and Degrassi: The Next Generation.

5 movies I like: Again, these aren't my favorites, just a sampling -- Overboard, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Grease, What's Cooking, Bollywood Queen.

5 famous people I'd like to meet: There is a certain cache in being able to say, "I met George Clooney" or whoever, but I can't think of anyone famous that I really want to meet for the purpose of carrying on a conversation. There are a few lesser-known people I would like to talk to in person, such as Betsy of Croncast or Mur of Geek Fu Action Grip.

5 biggest joys at the moment: sleeping late, having an extra day off, reading a long-awaited novel, seeing my son read, and finishing a knitting project (or any project for that matter!)

5 favorite toys: My MP3 player and my computer -- do I need anything else?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cool. bg.